The New Mexico State Library Foundation is a nonprofit organization with 501(c)(3) status. We maintain an endowment fund for sustained support of the New Mexico State Library, working with the State Library to provide support to libraries around the state in many ways.
The State Library provides Bookmobile and Books by Mail services to rural New Mexico as well as a library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped which ensures that residents with physical or visual disabilities can continue to read and be lifelong learners. The State Library in Santa Fe contains federal and state documents as well as a premier Southwest collection. The State Library Development Bureau offers consultation and advice to the public and tribal libraries in New Mexico.
With state and federal budgets shrinking, private funding has become more important for government agencies. The New Mexico State Library Foundation can assist with innovative grants for libraries, such as family literacy and rural economic development; funding for reference and research materials for the State Library; and support for new projects to further improve the lives of all New Mexicans
You can support our work by donating to the Foundation by clicking the Donate button below. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent provided by law.
You can also support the Foundation through the Amazon Smile program. Make this link your starting page and sponsor the work of the New Mexico State Library Foundation with every purchase. Amazon Smile donates a percentage of sales back to the Foundation on a quarterly basis.